5 Ways to Keep Patients at the Center of Your Dental Care Practice

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Keeping patients at the center of healthcare can come with challenges in any practice. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks, and it’s possible to lose sight of how important patients are.

With dental care, putting the patient at the forefront is vital. Patients put their complete trust into their dentists. They often have to put aside fears and anxieties to come to their appointments. They can also help you shape and improve your practice as you get to know their needs.  This is why it’s so important to make the effort and keep patients at the center of everything you do.

Here are five ways you can stay on track with offering high-quality, patient-centered care:

Hire a team that works well together

When employees have positive experiences together, patients do, too. Every member of your staff is an extension of your brand, no matter if they’re answering phones or performing a service. They build their impression from all of these interactions.

It’s important to make sure your entire staff is on the same page and that everyone is working toward the same goal.

Create an atmosphere that reflects the company culture

Your dental office should reflect the kinds of services you offer, the customers you serve, and the company culture. For example, an office that offers oral cosmetic service may have a relaxing spa feel to it. A family dentist office may be more colorful and fun. Your office is another way people form an impression about your practice. You want your space to set the right tone for your patients.

Tailor your care to patients’ needs and goals

Make sure you talk to your patients about their oral health goals. As a dentist,  you’ll obviously be working to make sure their teeth and gums are healthy, but a patient may want more cosmetic assistance such as teeth whitening or braces. Work together to come up with a plan that meets their wishes while keeping them healthy.

Don’t be afraid to expand your service offerings if your patients are looking for additional options, as long as it’s feasible. You should also do your best to offer flexible financial options. Patients will be more likely to accept your care and treatment recommendations if they can pay how they wish.

Always be educating

This rule goes for your staff members and your patients. Of course, you’ll want to properly train your staff when they’re hired, but you also want to make sure to provide them with opportunities for continuing education. Challenge them to keep improving, for themselves and for the practice.

Patients should be educated, too, whether you’re telling them about a new service you’ll be offering, or informing them about a new piece of technology the practice regularly uses. The more patients know about all of the things you’re doing for their sake, the more they’ll want to keep coming back.

Build genuine relationships with

No matter if it’s a patient’s first visit or their 30th visit, you should always be working to build a genuine relationship with your patient. This is how they’re going to have the best experience, get the best care, and continue to return to your practice. It takes time and work to build trust, but your practice will be better in the long run.

We created boon so dental practices and their providers could focus on the customer and not on hiring, while maintaining the ability to have a high-quality staff. Ready to make a profile? Get started today!

July 1, 2019