How Boon Works for Dental Professionals

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Boon launched its platform to initially help the healthcare industry, particularly dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants and dental front office staff members. In the future, we have plans to branch out into other industries to help as many businesses and employees as possible.

Why the Healthcare Industry?

Boon chose the healthcare industry to start because the industry has been vastly affected by burnout over the years. In many industries, there’s a culture of always needing to do more, learn more, work more. Because of burnout, turnover in the healthcare industry has reached an all-time high.

What Does Boon do?

Boon’s platform connects licensed healthcare professionals with providers in the local area looking to hire. Everything is done in a safe, secure environment that’s easy to use.

Any healthcare practice with a Boon profile can hire a provider with the click of a button. If needed, the provider can show up for a shift that same day!

We require all licensed professionals to complete a background check along with license and credential verification. Then, we use artificial intelligence and an algorithm to connect providers and practices. By looking at past experience and personality traits, the algorithm works to make a perfect match.

Practices can use our rating system to score a providers’ performance once a contract is complete.

How Boon is Improving the Gig Economy

As for healthcare providers, they have more control over the wages they earn while using Boon.

Providers can set their hourly rate, allowing them to choose a rate that properly reflects their experience. This way, providers know exactly what they will earn before they even start working.

Creating a profile on with Boon only takes a few minutes, no matter if you’re a healthcare provider or a practice. Create your profile and start hiring, or get hired, today!

September 30, 2019